FSPW Personal Protection Equipment standards

Personal Protection Equipment Standards for

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Stewardship Events.

Working in the woods with hand tools has inherent hazards. To minimize those hazards, Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness (FSPW) provides stewardship volunteers and staff with Personal Protection Equipment and requires certain standards of dress. Here is a short list of equipment and clothing FSPW recommends or requires for field volunteers:

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

PPEs are provided by FSPW, but feel free to bring your own, if you prefer.

Hard hat: Required to carry. Required to wear if near felling, bucking or limbing by any type of saw (includes you using a saw or someone else nearby using one) and when working overhead in any manner (using loppers, etc.). Recommended to wear when working in close proximity of others.

Eye protection: Required to carry. Required to wear when working with any type of saw. Recommended to wear when working with any sort of tool.

Gloves: Required to carry. Recommended to wear in all work circumstances.

Clothing (provided by volunteers):

Long pants: Required. No shorts.

Ankle-high boots: Required. No sandals, wading shoes or tennis shoes.

Long-sleeved shirt: Required to carry. Recommended to wear in brushy conditions.

Rain coat and/or fleece: Recommended. Weather changes fast in the mountains.

Other recommendations: More water than you think you need, high-energy snacks, a good lunch, sun screen, insect repellent, a bandana, common sense, a sense of humor and a sense of adventure.

Thanks for being a Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness volunteer!

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