Happy Independence Day, Friends! I hope you all had some chances over the sunny holiday weekend to enjoy this beautiful country, be it from the summit of the mountain, the waves of the lake, the cool refuge of a forest grove, or even your own backyard. It’s important to take time to enjoy this country, an homage to all the work our United States Citizens do to protect and preserve this greater America (and maybe a little time for fireworks!). Thank you everyone for your commitment to our cities and towns, woods and waters!!!
Parades were everywhere over the holiday, and Friends were out marching in festivities all over the region. Volunteers walked in Sandpoint, Clark Fork, Noxon and Heron, all in relentless sunshine, to support our wilderness land. Volunteers and FSPW Supporters marching in Clark Fork enjoyed another fun year crafting a spectacular float, complete with a beautiful landscape painting, Mr. Scotchman at the head, and a several-piece band. Their endeavor earned them a trophy recognition for 2014 Best Adult Float. Way to go, guys!
Rest up Friends, because summer is here full throttle and next weekend will be a celebration to remember! With the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act being honored this summer, FSPW and partnering organizations are cookin’ up a weekend of events, with hikes, guest speakers, puppet shows for the kiddos, food and live music. It all starts Friday, so check out the schedule of events and make the gorgeous drive out to the Bull Lake Rod and Gun club, our gracious hosts for this outdoor party! Milepost +/-18 on Hwy 56, nestled in the western valley before the breathtaking Cabinet Mountain Wilderness.
Keep Wild!