Giving Through Your Will

Bequests giving – or giving through your will – is simple. Here is some draft language you can use to include Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness in your will:

Bequests For Montana Residents:

“I bequeath ________________________ (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of your residuary estate) to the Montana Community Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation located in Helena, MT, 59601, (EIN 81-0450150) to be added to the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Endowment (FOSP), a component fund of the Montana Community Foundation, and I direct that this bequest become part of this Fund.”

For more information on bequest giving for Montana Residents, please visit the Montana Community Foundation website or contact us at

Bequests for Idaho Residents:

“I give __________________ (e.g. dollar amount, specific property, residuary estate, entire estate) to the Idaho Community Foundation, Inc. (EIN: 82-0425063), an Idaho nonprofit organization. This gift shall be used to add to a component fund known as the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Fund, which is an existing fund under ICF’s management, and administered in accordance with the terms set forth in an agreement on file with ICF.”

For more information on bequest giving, please contact FSPW staff or out Foundation Partners.

FSPW: (208) 946-9127

Idaho Community Foundation: Kristi Scott, North Idaho (208) 342-353- ext. 23

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