Volunteers are the heart of Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. They help to keep trails open, protect moutnain goats, educate youth about outdoor education, and get people out on the trails.
Check out some of the volunteer opportunities. and Become a Friend to stay updated.
Protect Wildlife
Keep goats and hikers safe. The Scotchman Peaks mountain goats are iconic. They’re also best admired from a distance — if you want to keep Scotchman Peaks open for everyone. Read More
Build Trails
Build and Maintain Trails. There’s no better way to show love for Scotchman Peaks than volunteering for trail crews. It’s the work that keeps our wild backyard open for everyone. You can join a group trail day or adopt a trail to go out solo or as a family unit! Read More
Guide Hikes
Lead a hike in the Scotchmans. There’s no better way to share the love of wilderness than to lead a hike. You don’t have to be a fast hiker or an expert outdoors person. All you need is a familiarity with the trail, an ability to lead, and a positive attitude.
Teach Outdoors
Get kids into their wild backyard. Winter can start to feel pretty long in a classroom. Between the cold temperatures and short days, it can be pretty difficult to find time to go enjoy the great outdoors. Enter the Winter Tracks program. Read More