What We Do

The Scotchman Peaks have been passed down to children and grandchildren for as long as people have lived in the Inland Northwest. They are the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa Nation, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and the Kalispel Tribe.

The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness is committed to saving this land for children and grandchildren yet to come. The mission is simple: using every available tool to save the wild Scotchmans.

A Washington Elementary student shows one way to identify trees–their bark, during a 2020 Winter Tracks event.

There are many ways the Friends pursue that goal. One of the most important is advocating for designated Wilderness status. While the Scotchman Peaks region is managed as recommended wilderness, it takes an act of Congress to create the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. Saving the land for years to come.

That’s just the beginning of what the Friends do. The organization also works to connect community members with their wild backyard. Volunteers generously give their time to maintaining the trails that keep wilderness accessible to everyone. They educate adults and kids alike on the natural world and why it matters. Perhaps most importantly, they inspire others through their passion and enthusiasm for wild places.

The fact is that wilderness matters. It provides crucial habitat to wildlife, plants and trees. It attracts tourists that drive the local economy. It’s a wonderland for hikers, hunters, fishers and nature lovers. And it provides people an escape from the stress of modern life. The world needs country left untamed. And, for Idaho and Montana, Scotchman Peaks is that wild place.


To protect the Scotchman Peaks for future generations through Wilderness designation, ongoing stewardship and education.
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Wilderness preservation is an American tradition. From the conservation work of President Teddy Roosevelt to Wilderness legislation in the 1960s, the work to save wild places is centuries old.
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Why Wilderness

You only have to look at wilderness to understand why it’s worth saving. The natural beauty of rugged, untamed mountains, forests and waterways is one of America’s greatest assets. It’s a gift passed down to us from our parents and grandparents. And it’s one we need to give our kids and grandkids.
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Annual Report

Find more information about FSPW through our annual reports.
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