Have you seen our November newsletter?!? We have been publishing Peak Experience for over 4 years now and, as hard as it may seem, every month seems to set a…
Author: Phil Hough
Phil Hough is the Executive Director of the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness.
He has hiked the "triple crown": the Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail and the Pacific Crest trail (twice). He has also paddled the length of the Yukon river. Phil's love of wilderness guides him as he works to save the incrediblly wild Scotchman Peaks, one of the last and largest roadless places in northern Idaho and western Montana.
Adopt a Highway and Wilderness – Huh?
Last weekend Jacob Styer, Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Board Treasurer, rounded up several friends to pick up trash along highway 200. It was Sunday, so instead of counting beans…
Start Spreading The News
I am excited to share with you our newly redesigned Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness website AND our new presence on Facebook, You tube and Twitter! We have reformatted these…