Kip Morrow

Programs Coordinator

Kip grew up in a small town in Upstate New York where she spent her youth outdoors, mostly barefoot, and worked as a professional landscape gardener after college. In late 2019, she packed her bags for good and made her way across the country in a 1997 Chevy Astro Van in search of adventure.

She explored remote wilderness areas throughout the west, hiking, backpacking, and trail running. It was in the beautiful Sawtooth Range of central Idaho where she found her greatest passion of all – rock climbing. Kip met her partner Earl there, and the two then spent a few years traveling around in a short bus together, working and playing between Idaho, Montana, and Utah.

They are now building a small cabin in the woods just outside of Sandpoint, and are thrilled to become a part of this wonderful community. Kip is a certified Single Pitch Instructor with the American Mountain Guides Association and a nationally registered Emergency Medical Technician.
