My hometown of Thompson Falls is not always the most exciting place to be, especially during the winter. However this last Saturday Project Ascent and FSPW teamed with cooperating organizations to put on the 2nd Annual Winter Carnival and, at least for a day, Thompson Falls was the place to be.
The carnival came complete with games, prizes, a HUGE custom made sledding hill, and hay rides. FSPW was there to host the ever popular snow shoe races. Imagine 3′ tall children wearing 2′ long snowshoes trying to run in 16″ of snow. It was awesome! Snow was ripping up from the racers in large waves. Hats, gloves, and snow shoes were flying everywhere. Each race more competitive than the last! Nobody got hurt and I only had to rescue a handful of buried kindergartners.
Living in a small town is not always the most entertaining. During the winter it’s easy to find most kids staying inside, at home, on their PlayStations. But not this Saturday. This Saturday Thompson Falls came out to play and it was wonderful.