What speaks to you about the wild Scotchmans?
Maybe it’s the peace and stillness of nature that sets your mind at ease. Or it’s the wildlife that you glimpse as you walk the trail. It could be more personal, like a cherished memory with friends, family and loved ones.
Whatever the case may be, it’s a story worth sharing. And that’s the message at the heart of the Why I Am A Friend campaign. The idea is to flood social media with personal stories about why the Scotchman Peaks matter to you. All it takes is recording a short video or writing a social media post with a photo and including #WhyIAmAFriend.
If you’re thinking, But I don’t hike. How can I contribute? You are a Friend for a reason. What’s at the heart of it?
Choose a social media format that you find comfortable. Aim for a 30-second long video. If video isn’t your thing, a few sentences and a photo of you can be just as effective.
Whatever medium you choose, be sure to include #WhyIAmAFriend in the post and tag @friendsofscotchmanpeaks on Facebook and Instagram or @MrScotchman on Twitter. That will help us see the post and share the love! It will also help your friends that maybe aren’t Friends yet, connect the dots.
We’re happy to provide help or offer suggestions if you need them. Just shoot us an email or DM us.