A very common proverb suggest that March “roars in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.” This March the lion is still roaring. A lot has changed in…
Author: Phil Hough
Phil Hough is the Executive Director of the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness.
He has hiked the "triple crown": the Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail and the Pacific Crest trail (twice). He has also paddled the length of the Yukon river. Phil's love of wilderness guides him as he works to save the incrediblly wild Scotchman Peaks, one of the last and largest roadless places in northern Idaho and western Montana.
Theodore Roosevelt – Wilderness Warrior
On one of our most American of holiday’s, Presidents day, we celebrate all of America’s presidents. Many presidents have strong conservation legacies. Only Theodore Roosevelt can truly lay claim to…
A Look at the Next 15 Years
January 2020 marks the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness’s 15th anniversary. Over this time we have brought together thousands of people from across Idaho, Montana and our nation to save…
Twas the Night Before Christmas
There's nothing like a holiday classic. So let us replay this one. It was orignially posted in 2013. But we're bringing it back! A Trackers Christmas by Brian Patrick Baxter It…
Thankful for Wild Imagination
Nothing is more wild than our imagination. Blank spots on the map are places to explore, to go to not knowing what we will find. We need places to challenge…
Why Wilderness
Americans came together 49 years ago to celebrate the first Earth Day. We think and act locally to make our corner of the earth a better place to be. But,…
We love our Friends. Help us celebrate them!
Wow. Supporters of saving the wild Scotchmans really made us feel loved in 2018. It was a year of ups and downs, and we ended on a high note. Thanks to folks…
A Visit from St. Ferrell
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the peaks Not a billy was stirring; it had been snowing for weeks. The ewes and kids were all snug in their…